How I Met Cora, My 1969 Corvette Convertible Stingray
Hey guys, Corvette Steve here. Just wanted to share with everyone how I met my 1969 Corvette Stingray Cora.

It was 1993 I was delivering a 1974 corvette I had just sold to a customer. He asked me if I bought corvettes, I said yes. He told me his neighbor across the street had one for sale. We walked across the street and he said it was ok to look over the fence to see the car. The weeds were taller than the car and all I could see was the Mast of the Antenna. While trying to see the body 2 very large Rottweiler dogs started barking and jumped up on the fence. I almost went home but he persuaded me to stay and ring the doorbell. An older man in his late 60’s answered and said it was a 69 Convertible (exactly what I was looking for) 350 HP 350 4 speed the only thing missing was the factory side exhaust. The car was in very rough shape, needing a complete restoration. I told him I was interested but was really looking for a car with side exhaust, he said those loud things on the side of the car, I said yes. He took me to the lawn mower shed and there in the corner were the orig mufflers and side covers in near mint condition, Needless to say I bought the car. I was still in the Navy so It took me over 5 years between Sea and shore duty to complete my 1969 wildfire red, with a black leather interior Convertible stingray. I named her Cora Vetta I have had her for over 25 years and she is the show piece of my Corvette parts and Restoration company SoCalVettes located at 549 Raleigh Ave EL Cajon Ca 92020
Steven W. Allen
Steven W. Allen
